Judging A Book

Judging A Book By Its Cover: Even More Middle Grade

This is my weekly post where I highlight beautiful books from my collection. We all judge book covers to some extent – I created this feature to highlight and appreciate the art and design elements of some of the books I own. If covers didn’t matter, publishers wouldn’t put out so many wonderful editions!

It’s clearly the beautiful covers that drew me to these middle grade reads. It just so happens they’re both published by Squarefish, though I didn’t plan that when I paired them up.

The Riverman by Aaron Starmer was published in 2014 with cover illustrations by Yelena Bryksenkova and cover design by Elizabeth H. Clark, ISBN: 9781250056856.

The Voyage to Magical North by Claire Fayers was published in 2017 with chapter art and cover illustration by Oriol Vidal and cover design by Anna Booth, ISBN: 9781250115386.

3 thoughts on “Judging A Book By Its Cover: Even More Middle Grade”

  1. I have the voyage to the magical north in me cabin waiting patiently to read it. I bought a copy as soon as I heard about it and then haven’t read it. It is certainly on the list for this year. And it’s so pretty!
    x The Captain

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