Judging A Book

Judging A Book By Its Cover: Miss Mink

This is my weekly post where I highlight beautiful books from my collection. We all judge book covers to some extent (don’t lie, you totally do!) I created this feature to showcase and admire the art and design elements of some of the books I own. If covers didn’t matter, publishers wouldn’t make so many wonderful editions!

I won this book from Librarything and as a cat lady, I loved it. I also love the art, which was done in oil on canvas, and the advice throughout is useful for cat fans and non-cat fans alike! All around, I love this book.

It was written and illustrated by Janet Hill with jacket design by Kelly Hill, and was published in 2019 by Tundra Books, ISBN: 9781770499225.

I love all the little details like the art deco styling around the letters

This lady is maybe not great at painting…


Ideal day, right there

The cat ears are an excellent touch – something to remember if I ever need my own author photo!

Lilu, ever the willing model.

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