Judging A Book

Judging A Book By Its Cover: Penguin Drop Caps (III)

This is my weekly post where I highlight beautiful books from my collection. We all judge book covers to some extent – I created this feature to highlight and appreciate the art and design elements of some of the books I own. If covers didn’t matter, publishers wouldn’t put out so many wonderful editions!

I’m slowing building my Penguin alphabet with cover art by Jessica Hische! These editions are too nice (and get dirty too easily) to read, but boy do they look great together. Someday I’ll own them all damnit! Today I have for you: Lord of the Flies by William Golding, published in 2013, ISBN: 9780143124290. Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse, published in 2013, ISBN: 9780143124337. An Artist of the Floating World by Kazuo Ishiguro, published in 2013, ISBN: 9780143124283.

6 thoughts on “Judging A Book By Its Cover: Penguin Drop Caps (III)”

    1. I’m not going to read them 😧 I’ve already had some issues removing the enormous barcode stickers that come on the back. They’re really just for looks, hence why it’s taking forever to collect. But after getting a couple..I can’t stop! It annoys me lol.


  1. I LOVE the look of the drop caps collection! I actually didn’t know they existed until last year when I requested The Shadow of the wind from the library, and the drop cap edition is what I received. It was stunning! HOWEVER I have heard these books are very much “sit on the shelf” books vs. books you actually read… which wouldn’t really bother me. These editions are more for us book collectors anyways…

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    1. Oh absolutely. Idk if I said in my post, but I’m not reading these. They get dirty so easy and I don’t want to break the spined. Which is why I’m so slow in collecting cuz they’re just for looks. Yet I want to get them before they become hard to find…

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