Life of a Book Hoarder

Love at First Page

I don’t believe in love at first sight and if you start talking about it, I’ll likely roll my eyes at you and sigh in your face (rude, I know). However! When it comes to reading, I do believe in love at first page.

Love at first page, you ask, how is that possible? I’ll try to explain.

You’ve just picked up a book – maybe you’re excited to read it or maybe you just grabbed it off your shelf and blew off the dust before cracking open the cover. Within the first few sentences, you’re immediately gripped and intrigued. You begin to feel a mounting excitement in your chest. Suddenly, you want to start telling everyone about how great this book is, except you don’t even friggen know what it’s about! By the time you’ve finished the first page, you’ve already added the book to your mental list of best books of the year, if not all time.

That, my friends, is love at first page.

Have you experienced it?

When I think of love at first page, the first book that comes to mind is The Lies of Locke Lamora. Granted, there were books I’ve read long before that, where I experienced the same feeling. But with Locke it was unexpected and perhaps more intense? At any rate, I was babbling excitedly to Sweetbeeps about how awesome the book was and when he interrupted to ask me what it was about, I had to admit I had no idea, as I wasn’t even finished with the prologue.

Some other books I experienced this with are The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, The Punch Escrow, Blood & Chocolate, Lamb, City of Dreaming Books, Wolf Tower, and The Fireman (I’m only about a fifth of the way through, lol).

In contrast, here are some books that I loved by the time I was finished, but didn’t catch that spark on the first page: Pride and Prejudice, The Hobbit, Sabriel, A Game of Thrones, Silver Metal Lover, Warbreaker.


If you’ve experienced the exciting feeling of love at first page, what books did it for you? If you haven’t, are you jealous? :]

6 thoughts on “Love at First Page”

  1. Lolita!!! I don’t know if I were to reread it I’d love it the way I did when I read it but I don’t reread sooo whatever. Hahaha But Lolita. Pretty much the first paragraph I just knew that it’s gonna be a good book. But I think part of that is good writing.

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    1. Interesting choice! I think I read Lolita too young. I was hoping for juicy scandal but it was over my head and I thought it boring. Not sure I’ll give it another chance


  2. Ah good topic and that’s happened to me a few times. And yea, that loved is cemented with the first sentence. I usually get really giddy afterwards. Most recent book that happened with was Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi.

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